Welcome at Putoshan !
Traditional Chinese Medicin (TCM) has its own vision and methods to enhance fertility. "Prepare the ground before you plant the seed" is an important starting point. Putoshan can assist with most fertility issues of both women and men; treatment can be applied in the natural cycle or alongside hospital fertility treatments like IUI/KID, IVF/ICSI or (frozen) ET.
Pregnancy and menopause
Traditional Chinese Medicin (TCM) views pregnancy and menopause as part of the normal development of a woman's life. These stages do require special attention, but you should be able to pass them virtually without complaints. Even more: pregnancy and menopause provide a great opportunity for physical, emotional, psychological and/or spiritual development! Most complaints, ailments and discomforts that generally are thought to just be part of pregnancy and menopause, can be prevented, improved or removed through TCM.
Acupuncture, massage and herbs
The treatment methods that Putoshan employs stem from Traditional Chinese Medicin (TCM). The main treatment methods are:
- Acupuncture
- Chinese massage (Tuina)
- Chinese herbs
Putoshan is a member of the NVA, a society of professional TCM practitioners. If you have an aanvullende ziektekostenverzekering as part of your health insurance, most insurance companies will reimburse treatments by Putoshan.
Jente Klok
Putoshan is run by Jente Klok. Jente graduated in physical therapy, and worked over 20 years as a researcher. In 2002 she started her TCM-education at QingBai, academy for professional education in TCM. Jente graduated in acupuncture, Chinese herbs and Chinese massage. Being a native Dutch speaker, Jente is fluent in English and has basic knowledge of German and Spanish as well.
Meet-the-practitioner & Try-out-session
Do you feel hesitant about starting treatments with Putoshan? Then our free meet-the-practitioner session (15 min) might be something for you. We can also schedule a try-out-session (60 min) in which you get acquainted with acupuncture and Chinese massage. There are no strings attached - it's completely up to you whether you will start treatments with Putoshan after one of these sessions.
Are you thinking of making an appointment with Putoshan? Do you have a question about your personal situation or about something that you read on this website?
Do contact us then.
Given that the vast majority of clients of Putoshan speak Dutch, this website has been written in this language. If reading the information on this website provides a problem to you, please do get in touch to sort out what Putoshan can do for you.
Terms & Conditions / Privacy
When you make an appointment for treatment by Putoshan, you declare to agree with the General Terms & Conditions, and with the Privacy-statement of Putoshan. These are just regular conditions, nothing special really, but by law Putoshan has to point them out to you. Unfortunately they're only available in Dutch, but if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them!